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AC PD Test System
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AC PD Test System

AC PD test system normally include two parts: ac dielectric test system + Partial Discharge Test System

AC Dielectirc test system will include
- ac test transformer
- HV divider
- Current Limit Inductance
- Voltage Regulator
- Manual or Automatic Control Systems
Sometime Peak Voltmeter will necessary

Partial discharge test system will include:
- PD detector
- PD measuring Impedance
- Calibrator
sometime, current expander will necessary

Let see some diagrams: in the diagram AC TEST SYSTEM + PD TEST SYSTEM + TAN DELTA TEST SYSTEM are included.

Inductance resonant test system

ac dielectric test system ac dielectric test system
ac dielectric test system ac dielectric test system
Manual control or Automatic Control system:
ac dielectric test system control system ac dielectric test system control system
ac dielectric test system control system ac dielectric test system control system
ac dielectric test system control system ac dielectric test system control system
ac dielectric test system control system ac dielectric test system control system

Partial Discharge Tester, can be manual or digital.

Partial discharge tester PD tester

Partial discharge tester PD tester