Founded in 1958.
Authorized by Chinese government to be National Quality Inspection Test Center for High Voltage Apparatus in 1986.
Approved by Chinese government to be National High Voltage Apparatus Quality Supervision & Inspection Test Center in 1989.
Approved by Chinese government to be as National Approved Import & Export Laboratory for High Voltage Apparatus in 1991.
Got through the National audit according to ISO/IEC 25 guide in 1999.
Got through the National audit according to ISO/IEC 17025 guide in 2002.
Got through the National re-audit according to ISO/IEC 17025 guide in 2004.
Combinate with “Insulator and Surge Arrest Laboratory of Xi’an Porcelain Research Institute” and “Power Capacitor Laboratory of Xi'an Power Capacitor Research Institute” to be the Testing and Certification Center of XIHARI in 2008.
HIMALAYAL provides innovative products that comprise high voltage test equipment, full-set high voltage test instruments, on-site test systems and on-line monitoring systems, and services regarding tests, diagnostics and asset monitoring for clients in power industry. We help to ensure safety and reliability in the power generation, transmission and distribution.
Himalayal Corporation Limited
Tel:+86 21 5059 9069